Privacy Policy

This privacy policy is reviewed and updated as of 2020-07-11

No one likes to be tracked on the Internet by large corporations and I do my best to avoid share your data with third parties and use unnecessary cookies to collect your personal data. You are my dear guest and internet friend I intend to treat you as as if we would have met in real life. My general guideline when it comes to your privacy is:

  • Never collect or store any personal data that is not strictly necessary to provide a functional website and webshop
  • Avoid sharing your data with any third parties
  • Avoid using third party scripts that will collect your data unless it is strictly needed (e.g to provide secure payments in the webshop)
  • Never use your personal data for anything else than for the reason it was collected for in first place.

However as this is a webstore some personal data and a few cookies will have to be used to provide an enjoyable shopping experience. On this page I describe what those cookies are and how your personal data is processed and stored.

The website that this policy is covering

This policy is covering and the webshop located at the subdomain


Here I describe what cookies are and how they are being used at the website(s) listed above.

What are cookies ?

Cookies are small text files that are used to store small pieces of information. The cookies are stored on your device when the website is loaded on your browser. These cookies help to make the website function properly, make the website more secure, provide better user experience, and understand how the website performs and to analyse what works and where it needs improvement.

What types of cookies are there?

  • First-party cookies: As the name implies, first-party cookies are put on your device directly by the website you are visiting.
  • Third-party cookies: These are the cookies that are placed on your device, not by the website you are visiting, but by a third party like an advertiser or an analytic system.

Duration of cookies

Cookies can have different duration and are categorised as session and persistent cookies.

  • Session cookies: These cookies are temporary and expire once you close your browser (or once your session ends).
  • Persistent cookies: This category encompasses all cookies that remain on your hard drive until you erase them or your browser does, depending on the cookie’s expiration date. All persistent cookies have an expiration date written into their code, but their duration can vary. According to the ePrivacy Directive, they should not last longer than 12 months, but in practice, they could remain on your device much longer if you do not take action.

How is cookies used on the website?

To make sure the shop can function a few cookies will be set by and the payment provider. Here are those described in detail.

Shopping cart

When an item is added to the shopping cart a few cookies will be used to keep track of the cart and its items. Without it the items in the shopping cart would not be remembered between page loads and is necessary for the webshop to function properly.

woocommerce_cart_hashsessionHelps determine when cart contents/data changes.
woocommerce_items_in_cartsessionHelps determine when cart contents/data changes.
wp_woocommerce_session_2 daysContains a unique code for each customer so that it knows where to find the cart data in the database for each customer.


For secure payments the webshop relies on Stripe. During the checkout procedure cookies will be used for user authentication, fraud detection, fraud prevention, monitoring and analytics. These are all being set Stripe (thus being third party cookies). You can read more about Stripe’s use of cookies and their purposes at For full disclosure below is the list of cookies being set during the checkout by the payment provider during the checkout procedure.

_stripe_mid1 yearThird partyFraud prevention and detection set by Stripe
__stripe_sid30 minThird partyFraud prevention and detection set by Stripe
__stripe_orig_props1 yearThird partyUsed by Stripe to measure the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns
site_sid2h 30 minThird partyStripe “session ID” used for analytics and service improvement
cidSessionThird partyStripe analytics “client ID” used for service improvement
recent-views1 yearThird partyTracks recent page views on
_ga2 yearsThird partyGoogle Analytics cookies used for analytics and service improvement used by Stripe
_gid2 yearsThird partyGoogle Analytics cookies used for analytics and service improvement used by Stripe


For statistical reasons the websites listed above collect data to track page views and visitor engagement.

I do not use cookies to track visitor statistics nor do I share that information with third parties. Instead uses a self-hosted solution and rely on Matomo for cookie-less statistics. Matomo is hosted by and no data is shared with any third party. All data that is collected is anonymised to secure that no personal data such as IP addresses are visible by the site administrators. For more information visit Even though no personal data is stored on the servers you have the right to opt-out from having your data collected. To opt-out from having your page views being tracked you can uncheck the checkbox below.

As stated previously no cookies are used to collect visitor statistics. However one session cookie will be set to avoid CSRF security issues. No personal data is collected. You can read more about CSRF at

MATOMO_SESSIDSessionFirst partyPrevent CSRF security issues

When you make an order in the webshop

When an order is made personal data is collected to be able to deliver your order. I only collect personal data that is necessary to be able to process the order and contact you about the status of said order. That includes your name, e-mail, shipping/billing address and purchases which will be stored in the ordering system. A record of the purchases you made will also be stored. This data is not shared with anyone.

To enable secure payments the webshop rely on the payment provider Stripe. When you make a purchase your personal data will be processed by Stripe. For more information about how Stripe process your data visit